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Katie Collins is a passionate coach dedicated to helping people get out of their traditional employment so they can create time and income on their own terms, doing something that they love. She also has seventeen years of teaching experience, a BA in psychology and a Masters degree in education.
In today’s interview, Katie shares with us her struggle working in a job she loved, but where she was very much underpaid and not living the quality of life she wanted. She tells us her process of pulling herself out of that situation and being able to create the life of time & money freedom she desired.
The results you are experiencing are the reflection of the beliefs that you hold about yourself.
“To burn with desire and to keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves” -Federico Garcia Lorca
If what you wanted was already in your comfort zone, you’d already have it.
If you do not get chills when you are setting a goal, you are not setting big enough of a goal.
When you have the burning desire, you must match it with commitment.
We won’t ever find it (our burning desire), unless we define it. We need to know what we want. We find that by seeing that what we are longing for and identifying our discontent in our life.
Anybody who is in business for themselves is going to have thoughts hat create feelings in their body that create actions that they take, and then those actions create habits that they repeatedly do, and those habits become our results.
What are you willing to give up that is of a lesser value, so that there is space for your to do something else thats of greater value – to get the desire you are seeking.
Set a goal that is so big that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you cannot get it out of your mind.
Katie talks about being in a job that she loved, and because she felt so unappreciated and underpaid, her attitude changed and she became frustrated and negative. I think most of us relate to being in that spot, where the job you really wanted and were thrilled to get turns out to be unsatisfying. The danger is when you begin to feel powerless in that situation (ex., I can’t afford to quit.., I have bills to pay, etc) and remain there for a longer period of time…becoming resigned and grumpy. That is when we trap ourselves in a hamster wheel of discontent, and our own negativity blocks us to any new ideas and/or opportunities. You may have guessed that I write from personal experience 🙂 So, how does one change? The shift is internal. If you are really accustomed to complaining (no judgement), it may be challenging to become more positive. Do it slowly. Maybe find some positive things to focus on, at least a few minutes per day. If you are committed, your energy will begin to shift and you will have access to information you have not noticed before, you will meet helpful people you just did not see before, and new doors will begin to open.
“The Science of Getting Rich”, by Wallace D. Wattles
“Your Invisible Power”, by Genevieve Behrend
“You 2”, by Price Pritchett
“Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill
“The 4-Hour Work Week”, by Timothy Ferris
“How the World Sees You”, by Sally Hogshead