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Dr. Cynthia Foster received her medical degree from the University of Texas, but shifted her focus entirely toward healing with natural methods after healing herself from an incurable disease.  Also, she is the author of the popular, and controversial book titled “Stop the Medicine”, and she gives lectures all over the United States and Canada.

In today’s interview, Dr. Cynthia shares her harrowing experience of healing herself from seizures and illness, which she began to experience after being vaccinated.  She also talks about how modern medicinal drugs are created from herbs and plants, and why herbs in their original form are a much healthier choice.  Don’t miss this fascinating interview!



Our medications originate from natural plants but then they are changed drastically.  They take what they think is the most active constituent and they extract it, without realizing that those other nutrients and phytonutrients, phytoconstituents, and all of the natural components of that herb, or that plant, are there for a reason.  They help balance and modulate that active principle.  They take this out of context and they concentrate it and they try to make it stronger.  Yes, this is much better because we can get a big result really, really fast!  However, if you use an herb you are going to get a slower effect at first, and you are going to get the healing and detox that comes from it.  You are going to get a long-term, strengthening of your body, instead of just managing your symptoms.

On the emotional side, an auto-immune disorder is something about not loving yourself, kind of sabotaging yourself, because literally your body is attacking itself.

So you go through a physical healing and you should also go through an emotional healing as well.

Your colon secretes mucus.  Every time you put something “wrong” in there, your colon is going to secrete mucus.  What happens to mucus?  It dries up, it hardens.  It hardens, it compacts, creates layers upon layers (on the walls of your colon).

We are eating that standard American diet, all kinds of processed foods, chemicals, preservatives, cold tar-based flavors and colorings…all kinds of horrible things we are putting into our mouths and its going into the colon…and the colon is just going, “Oh, this is a disaster!”  Secreting the extra mucus is a protective response.

if you would leave food out for a week, you would have rotted food.  It would start to liquify, stink, and smell.  The same thing happens in your colon.  There are people who have body odor and don’t understand why.

Your colon is connected to everything, so if your colon is in bad shape – your whole body is in bad shape.



I spent time meeting and talking with Dr. Cynthia before (and after:) our interview.  She is a compassionate, brilliant doctor who is passionate about helping people heal.  A week before my first meeting with her I hurt my finger while walking my dog.  It was still pretty swollen and red, and I had to have a protective finger guard over the injured area. She immediately grabbed a bag of essential oils and did some energy healing on my finger after putting some peppermint oil on the swollen area.  I was so surprised that the finger visibly recovered afterwards.  I can attest to the fact that Cynthia is the real thing 🙂



“Stop the Medicine”, by Dr. Cynthia Foster



Dr. Cynthia’s site