[app_audio src=”http://bellydancetasha.audioacrobat.com/download/audioacrobat-27964-u-1730323-s-1.audio.mp3″]

Clare Luffman is a wonderful coach who specializes in helping women entrepreneurs create highly profitable businesses while only working part-time hours. She will also help her clients create a leverage business model. get more ideal clients while doing less marketing, grow their list using very simple methods, and create all sorts of shortcuts so they increase their productivity and have more time to spend with their families. Clare is a mom who makes her kids her priority, and she has created these systems so she is able to spend most of her time with her little ones!

In today’s interview:

Clare will talk to us about creating a profitable business while only working part-time hours. She is a mom who wanted to spend more time at home with her kids, and created a business model that allows her to do just that! In the interview, she talks about 3 online and 3 offline strategies that will greatly help you increase your business and bring more money in the door. Clare is all about getting results quickly and as easily as possible. Clare is a wonderful and popular coach who is happy to share her best strategies with you!

(This is a pre-podcast interview – please forgive the audio quality 🙂 )